Bach Vespers returns to St Anne’s Lutheran Church, resident at St Mary at Hill Church in Eastcheap in the City of London on 27 July at 6.30 pm.
Come and join us for this special occasion, the first Bach Vespers service since the pandemic began. We will perform Bach’s powerful cantata BWV 185, Barmherziges Herze der ewigen Liebe, along with other German baroque music on period instruments, in a service of Lutheran Vespers. Everyone is welcome and attendance is free (with a voluntary collection).
This event will be Covid-safe, following the latest government guidance.
This service continues the 40-year tradition of performing Bach cantatas in Lutheran services in London. It takes more than a pandemic to break this enduring tradition! You can read more about the history here, and about Bach Vespers generally on the St Anne’s Lutheran Church website here.
We look forward to seeing you there, to share Bach’s wonderful music!