On Sunday 19 May we are performing in a special Bach Vespers service for St. Anne’s Lutheran Church, as on this occasion the Bishop of London, the Rt Revd & Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally DBE will come to preach. This comes during a special time, in which the pastor of St. Anne’s Lutheran Church, Eliza Zikmane, a strong advocate of the Bach Vespers series, has been confirmed as the new Dean of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain.
We will be performing J. S. Bach cantata BWV 108, Es ist euch gut, daß ich hingehe, or ‘It is good for you that I leave’, a work that prepares the Christian for Christ’s Ascension. There will be other music besides, including a motet by Scheidt, an introduction to the Vater Unser by Schein and Bach’s motet Lobet den Herrn BWV 230.
Bach Vespers, at 6.30pm, is free to attend (with a voluntary collection) and all are welcome.