Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bach Vespers in the Bach Festival 25 July

We are delighted to be performing in another Bach Vespers service for St Anne’s Lutheran Church, at St Mary at Hill in the City of London, on 25 July. We will perform Bach’s impressive and unusual cantata BWV 178, Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält, along with other German baroque music on period instruments, in a service of Lutheran Vespers. Everyone is welcome and attendance is free.

This event is part of the 25th annual Bach Festival organised by Music-at-Hill. Read more about other concerts in the festival here.

Horn cantatas at the American Church

We are really pleased to be returning to the American International Church in London for a performance of J. S. Bach’s cantata ‘Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan’, BWV 100, and the central chorale from cantata BWV 79. These superb cantatas both feature virtuosic horn parts. They will be performed within a service to celebrate Independence Day, on 4 July at 11am, conducted by their director of music, Scott Stroman.

Bach Vespers is back on 27 June!

Bach Vespers returns to St Anne’s Lutheran Church, resident at St Mary at Hill Church in Eastcheap in the City of London on 27 July at 6.30 pm.

Come and join us for this special occasion, the first Bach Vespers service since the pandemic began. We will perform Bach’s powerful cantata BWV 185, Barmherziges Herze der ewigen Liebe, along with other German baroque music on period instruments, in a service of Lutheran Vespers. Everyone is welcome and attendance is free (with a voluntary collection).

This event will be Covid-safe, following the latest government guidance.

This service continues the 40-year tradition of performing Bach cantatas in Lutheran services in London. It takes more than a pandemic to break this enduring tradition! You can read more about the history here, and about Bach Vespers generally on the St Anne’s Lutheran Church website here.

We look forward to seeing you there, to share Bach’s wonderful music!

City Bach Collective is Back!

city bach collective 2018

After a long enforced break, the City Bach Collective is gearing up for live performances again. We are thrilled to be making music together again and can’t wait to share it with our audiences.

Our first event is a Bach Vespers service for St Anne’s Lutheran Church (at St Mary at Hill) on 27 June, followed on 4 July by another cantata service at the American Church in Tottenham Court Road. More details to follow shortly, so watch this space for the latest information.

Our diary for the autumn is filling up too. We look forward to seeing you at one of our events.

The City Bach Collective in the time of Coronavirus

Like everyone we are very sorry not to be able to be out and about, seeing the people we value and doing our work. Moreover, the impact of the necessary restrictions on professional music-making in London and the rest of the UK is of considerable concern. All of us at the City Bach Collective wish you the best of health. We look forward to the possibility of coming together to make and listen to the music of JS Bach, his contemporaries, and all other music besides in the fullness of time. Until then, please keep an eye on our social media.